Superstition Wilderness
Whatever you do, don’t be deterrered by the ugly electrical tower in a dirt turnoff along State Route 88, which serves as the trailhead for this hike. In fact, if you didn’t know what you’re looking for, you’d fly right by this austere landmark. But, for those in the know, it marks the start of a pleasant amble to a breezy cliff overlooking Canyon Lake and the stunning beauty of the lava-borne canyon of First Water Creek. Slightly rocky, but not to difficult to follow, the informal footpath winds among huge boulders and wind-swept desert plants for a short but memorable leg-stretch for those on their way to or from Tortilla Flat or Canyon Lake.
LENGTH: 1 mile roundtrip
RATING: easy
ELEVATION: 2,038-1,858 feet
BEST SEASONS: October - April
From Phoenix, travel east on US 60 to the Idaho Road/SR 88 exit. Follow SR88 north roughly 12 miles to a dirt pull out between mileposts 207 and 208 and park near the electrical tower that bears a hand-painted #174.
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