A petroglyph panel in Picture Canyon |
Vociferous flocks of waterfowl and warblers are just a few of
the more than 150 species of birds that inhabit the wetlands of Flagstaff's Rio de Flag. A favorite destination for
birdwatchers, Picture Canyon Natural and Cultural Preserve is a 477.8-acre,
city-owned property along the Rio undergoing habitat restoration, which will return the site
to a more natural and sustainable condition. This section of the Rio--located in Flagstaff's industrial
east side--is fed by effluent discharge from the Wildcat Hill Wastewater
Treatment Plant. The shallow stream drifts through pine-bolstered riparian greenery before tumbling over the vertical volcanic rock walls of Picture Canyon in a series of cascades that can be viewed from lookout areas along the rim. Restoration plans include proposed recreational trails to
complement the existing state-traversing Arizona Trail and 44-mile
city-circumnavigating Flagstaff Loop Trail, both of which cut through the
property, adding to the site's potential as a major hiking destination.
Waterfalls in the canyon |
In addition to its wildlife habitat and geological significance,
petroglyphs (the "pictures") and other evidence of ancient Sinaguan
inhabitants are peppered throughout the corridor.
Although the Arizona Trail is signed, most of the other
roads and paths within the preserve are not. This makes finding your way around
the roughly 6-miles of hike-able dirt roads and paths somewhat of a challenge.
To help with navigation, a map kiosk at the trailhead provides an overview of
the layout and landmark beacons Mt. Elden and Sheep Hill to the east and
Wildcat Hill on the southwest can be used to find your bearings. Even with miles of trails and
wildlife viewing opportunities, it's the "pictures” that most people come
to see. Here's the quickest way to
get to them for a 2-mile round trip hike.
From the trailhead, hike on the main road trail and stay
straight at the first fork. Go right at a second fork located past the gas
plant near a "246" sign and continue to where the Arizona Trail
crosses the road. Turn right here and hike on the AZT to a 4-way junction just
before a wooden bridge. Go left
here to reach the rock art gallery.
As with all cultural sites, artifacts should not be disturbed.
Rio de Flag |
LENGTH: up to 6 miles
RATING: easy
ELEVATION: 6630' - 6766'
Flagstaff's only waterfall |
From downtown Flagstaff, travel 5 miles east on Old Route 66
(a.k.a. Santa Fe) to El Paso Flagstaff, turn left and continue 1 mile to the
trailhead on the right. Roads are 100% paved. No fees.
Arizona Trail passes through the site |
City of Flagstaff
Preserve Facebook page:
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