Mingus Mountain rises over Blowout Canyon
The new Blowout
Wash community trail system in Cottonwood continues to evolve with several miles of new
routes added to its menu in the past few months.
The loopy system
that winds through foothills below Mingus Mountain in Prescott National Forest broke
ground in 2019.
A new trail climbs to Blowout Butte (L) summit
The first trails opened in 2020 and additional routes rolled out in
2021 with plans in the works for an ambitious trail corridor that will link with the Black Canyon trailhead.  |
Cacti frame Verde Valley vistas
among the class of 2021 additions is the Blowout Canyon Trail No. 511 which makes a
crawl through the innards of the eponymous gorge by way of a wavy single track
cut from the slopes of craggy knobs and buttes.
Trail passes a crumbling rock wall at the head of Blowout Canyon
The nicely varied 3.2-mile fresh-cut route links up with several other
trails in the core of the Blowout Wash system for easy hike customization. One to try uses the Bullseye Trail No. 557
for a 4-mile loop. From the trailhead,
follow trail No. 557 a short distance and veer right onto trail No. 551 at the first
fork. The first of a relentless sequence
of ups-and-downs swings around juniper-studded mounds revealing excellent views
of Sedona’s red rock landscape. Passages
through spike-stemmed crucifixion thorn trees and golden grasslands hang over
sheer feeder canyons and jumbled drainages fringed with yucca, cactus, and
high-desert shrubs.  |
Near the head of Blowout Canyon
Sparse tree
cover allows for unobstructed viewing of a stunning mix of mountain peaks, red
rock formations and expansive river corridors and agricultural plains. As the route zigzags over and around weather-worn
bluffs, glimpses of the San Francisco Peaks in Flagstaff appear as hazy silhouettes
out on the horizon. Roughly 2 miles in,
the trail spirals down into the cloistered head of Blowout Canyon following carefully
designed switchbacks that mitigate the descent and aid in proper trail drainage
and sustainability.
See-forever vistas dominate the hike
To keep the trail
from degrading, never cut across switchbacks.  |
Near the high point on Blowout Canyon trail
Stay on established paths. The descent passes by a wall of broken stone
where loose rocks spill into a slot canyon rife with low-growing trees that benefit
from extra post-storm water that rushes through the sliver-thin ravine.  |
Yucca thrive on sunny slopes
Switchbacks make for sustainable trails. Don't cut them!
The trail bottoms out, then
up onto a red-rock incline where ocotillos join the mix of a drier micro-climate
A brief, edge-hugging climb
tops out on a scenic ridge with the biggest views of the trip. Hundreds of feet below, glinting roofs in the
town of Cottonwood and a grid of vineyards along Oak Creek sit in a yawning
valley backed up by mountain views that stretch from Prescott to Flagstaff.
Mesquite trees frame views of Sedona red rocks
From this point, the trail descends on long
hairpin switchbacks to meet up with the Bullseye trail No. 557. To complete to loop, hang a right and hike
just under a mile back to the trailhead. Or go left to add on a few miles and
climb up the prominent limestone slopes of Blowout Butte on sister newcomer, trail
No. 556. |
Blowout Wash trail system continues to grow.
4-mile loop
RATING: moderate
ELEVATION: 3,790 – 4,280 feet
THERE: From Interstate 17 north of Camp Verde, take the Cornville
Road exit 293 heading west (go left). Continue 17.7 miles on Cornville Road
(aka County Road 30) which will turn into Mingus Avenue and then Forest Road
493 to the large Blowout Wash trailhead.
For reference, the trailhead is 1.5 miles south of the Cottonwood
Municipal Airport. Roads are paved up to the last half mile where FR 493 is a
dirt/gravel track suitable for all vehicles.