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Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Arizona Game & Fish has issued a press release summarizing the status of Mexican Grey Wolves as of the end of July 2011. Most survived the WALLOW FIRE and many pups have been spotted! Here's a excerpt—the entIre press release may be viewed by clicking on the embedded links.

At the end of July 2011, the collared population consisted of 24 wolves with functional radio collars dispersed among ten packs and three single wolves.  Some other uncollared wolves are known to be associating with radio-collared wolves, and others are separate from known packs. 
Seasonal note:  During the past three months, the IFT has been actively monitoring wolf packs to determine if females are denning in order to document wild-born pups and estimate their survival.  At the end of July, the IFT determined the following packs have produced pups during this year’s denning season:  Paradise, Hawks Nest, Bluestem, San Mateo, Luna and Middle Fork.  Three other packs, Fox Mountain, Dark Canyon and Rim, have displayed denning behavior; however, the IFT has been unable to confirm the presence of pups with these packs.  Three of these packs in Arizona, including Hawks Nest, Bluestem and Rim, were impacted by the Wallow Fire in June.  At least two pups from the Bluestem Pack and six pups from the Hawks Nest Pack were documented alive after the fire impacts had subsided.  The IFT is working to determine if any pups from the Rim Pack are currently traveling with that pack.
Bluestem Pack (collared AM806 and AF1042)Throughout July, the IFT located AM806 and AF1042 in their traditional territory in the central portion of the ASNF.  The IFT confirmed at least two pups with this pack in July.  Their den area was impacted by the Wallow Fire earlier this summer.    
Hawks Nest Pack (collared AF1110 and f1208)In July, AF1110 and f1208 continued to use their traditional territory in the north-central portion of the ASNF.  The IFT confirmed the presence of six pups with this pack in July.  This pack’s den area was impacted by the Wallow Fire; however, the IFT has continued to locate AF1110 and f1208 in the vicinity adjacent to the original den site throughout July. 
Rim Pack (collared AM1107, AF858, f1187 and f1213)Throughout July, the IFT located the Rim Pack utilizing its summer range on the central portion of the ASNF.  The den area for this pack was impacted by the Wallow Fire, also.  The IFT has been unable to document the presence of any pups with this pack in July.
Paradise Pack (collared AM795) In July, AM795 utilized the traditional summer range of its territory on the northern portion of the ASNF.  The IFT has confirmed the presence of at least five pups with this pack this month. 

The following is a summary of Mexican Wolf Reintroduction Project (Project) activities in Arizona on the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests (ASNF) and Fort Apache Indian Reservation (FAIR) and in New Mexico on the Apache National Forest (ANF) and Gila National Forest (GNF).  Non-tribal lands involved in this Project are collectively known as the Blue Range Wolf Recovery Area (BRWRA).  Additional Project information can be obtained by calling (928) 339-4329 or toll free at (888) 459-9653, or by visiting the Arizona Game and Fish Department website at or by visiting the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service website at  Past updates may be viewed on either website, or interested parties may sign up to receive this update electronically by visiting  This update is a public document and information in it can be used for any purpose.  The Reintroduction Project is a multi-agency cooperative effort among the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AGFD), New Mexico Department of Game and Fish (NMDGF), USDA Forest Service (USFS), USDA-Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Wildlife Services (USDA-APHIS WS), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the White Mountain Apache Tribe (WMAT).  Other entities, including private individuals and nongovernmental organizations, cooperate through the Project’s Adaptive Management Work Group (AMWG) that meets periodically in Arizona and New Mexico.
To view weekly wolf telemetry flight location information or the 3-month wolf distribution map, please visit  On the home page, go to the “Wolf Location Information” heading on the right side of the page near the top and scroll to the specific location information you seek.
Please report any wolf sightings or suspected livestock depredations to:  (928) 339-4329 or toll free at (888) 459-9653.  To report incidents of take or harassment of wolves, please call the AGFD 24-hour dispatch (Operation Game Thief) at (800) 352-0700.

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Mogollon Rim near Clints Well

On the Rim above Blue Ridge Reservoir

delicate red columbine
One hundred eighty-two clicks.  That's how much of the 800-mile Arizona Trail I figure I've completed so far. It's a paltry dent for sure, but hey, for work-a-day slobs like me, hiking the entire state-traversing route as a contiguous adventure will have to wait until retirement.  Until then, I'll continue to chip away at my glacially-paced weekend pursuit.  However, several sections—like this one—thwart my efforts to hike new passages because I keep going back to them again and again.
With three easy-access trailheads, abundant campgrounds and plenty of water, this 16-mile section of the Arizona Trail (AZT) is a choice destination for day hikers and backpackers alike.   Rife with ever-changing views (peaks, valleys, Blue Ridge Reservoir, and East Clear Creek) historical sites (General Springs Cabin, Battle of Big Dry Wash Monument) and just enough ups-and-downs for a reasonable workout, it's a perennial favorite for summer hiking, and nope, I do not include repeat trek mileage on my AZT log.
Begin at the “middle” trailhead on FR 751. Cross FR 751 and pick up the trail near the cattle guard.  Hike roughly 0.75 mile to the wood sign for Blue Ridge Campground—veer right and continue on AZT.  The hike is flat for about a mile as it follows the ridge above East Clear Creek Canyon (to get a close up look at the reservoir—go to the campground or see my blog entry for nearby ROCK CROSSING trail).  Soon, the trail begins a gradual descent to East Clear Creek---which is usually dry in summer.  Once at the bottom, the trail continues directly across the wide rocky wash and begins its crawl up the opposite side of the canyon.  At the top, you’ll encounter a gate.  From here, AZT briefly follows FR 123A.  Pass a stock pond and a second gate, then start looking for a huge carin and AZT sign on the right---where AZT goes back to being a footpath. HINT—if you reach FR 123, you’ve gone 0.2 mile too far---just backtrack.  Parts of this section are difficult to follow---look for tree blazes, cairns and rock borders among fallen trees and rock slides.  Pay attention, and you’ll be fine.  AZT then crosses FR123 before heading downhill into Fred Haught Canyon (see separate blog entry) and the final stretch to General Springs Cabin and the edge of the Mogollon Rim—or turn around here for the 8-mile option.
manic summer wildflowers

LENGTH: 16 miles one way (8 miles roundtrip as described here)
RATING:  moderate
ELEVATION: 6,600' – 7,380' (7,380' - 6,800' for 8-mile option)
DISTANCE FROM PHOENIX: 157 miles one-way (middle trailhead)
East Clear Creek
MIDDLE, BLUE RIDGE TRAILHEAD: (as described in this post)
From Phoenix, go 90 mile north on SR 87 (Beeline Highway) to Payson.  At the intersection of SR 87 and SR260 in Payson, continue north on 87, to FR 751 (4.8 miles north of the gas station/café in Clints Well, just past milepost 295). Turn right (east) at the Blue Ridge Reservoir sign and go 2 miles on FR 751 to the signed trailhead on the left located just before a cattle guard and a sign reading “no roadside camping beyond this point”.  Roads paved up to FR 751 which is good dirt.
From Phoenix, go north on I17 to Camp Verde. Connect to SR260 east (toward Payson) and travel 31 miles to the SR87 junction. Turn left (north) and go 9 miles on SR87 to Clint’s Well. From here, continue 8.3 miles to the turnoff for the Moqui campground (FR138). There will be a “Moqui” sign a few hundred feet before the road on the right. Turn right onto FR138 where a sign located roughly 50 yards in from SR87 reads: "Blue Ridge Campground/Moqui Campground/138". The trailhead is on the left about 100 yards from SR87. Roads are paved up to FR 138 which is good dirt. ALTERNATE ACCESS:   From Phoenix, take Loop 202 east, connect with SR87, continue to the SR87/260 junction in Payson. Continue north on SR87  to Clints Well and follow the directions above. It's a few miles longer this way, but the scenery is nice.
From the intersection of SR87/260 in Payson, continue 28 miles north on SR87 to FR300 (Rim Road) near milepost 280. Turn right and go 12.2 miles to FR705 where there’s a Battle of Big Wash Monument on the NE of the intersection.  Go left (north) onto FR705 and continue 0.5 mile to the General Springs/AZ Trail trailhead.  Roads are maintained dirt and passable by sedan, although high-clearance is a better idea. Trail begins north of the cabin sharing the first miles with the Fred Haught Trail.
INFO: Arizona Trail Association:
Coconino National Forest, Mogollon Rim Ranger District